
Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am foregoing the usual programming of this blog to post something that hit me like a ton of bricks today.

I have been struggling with some financial/relational decisions lately, and because of the budget I am committed to have had to make some really tough choices about travelling to attend special wedding events for close friends. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions because my baby sister gets to be married before me.

Well this morning at work that all got put to a huge HALT! My boss came into work on her phone...this is actually pretty typical. However shortly after I heard crying from her office and went to see what was wrong. It didn't take long to see that something terrible had happened. And it had. Her sister was in a bad car accident this morning. To see updates and get on board praying for Pat's sister, Linda...please go here

After trying to calm her down and get her on the road to her sister's side, I sat at my desk calling her appointments to cancel, I kept repeating "Family Emergency". It was hard not to let some tears roll down as I considered how petty I have been over very trivial things.

My sister is getting married before me...however she is healthy and happy and I get to watch her marry a great guy. When I go to see her it because we will be celebrating her marriage! Love you Lex and can't wait to see that ring in person and love on you.

And maybe my finances don't allow me to do EVERYTHING I want but I get to do a lot and I have food on the table, a roof over my head and EVERYTHING I NEED! I am healthy and happy and I get to enjoy this blessed life that God has created for me.

So my perspective on life was challenged a little today. I am so grateful that today I have been reminded that my life is so good. I am praising God for a healthy family and loved ones and asking that He be with Pat and her family as they walk this scary road. I know that He is there and I pray that His presence would be known.


  1. Totally understand your rollercoaster.....I had that times two within like 6 weeks. But YOU ARE SO RIGHT....I have two happy healthy brothers who love me like crazy (and vice versa) and two sister in laws that are pretty alright too :) We are very lucky ladies.

    I'll pray for your co-worker's sister! Can't imagine...

  2. I understand where you're coming from, I really do. A big "HOWEVER" .. We can't let our jealousy of others (yea I said it) get the best of us. It's good that you can step back and recognize it for what it is. And Lex is so lucky - as are you to have her. Things will happen when they're meant to and when we're truly ready. I know I don't have to tell ya that, though. Chin up, sweetie! <3

    Please keep us updated on Linda. A bond of sisters is indescribable and it breaks my heart trying to phathom how she must be feeling.
