
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ten on Tuesday...

1. Sorry I have been MIA on here in the last week or so. I was busy at work, busy at home, just generally busy...I am trying to remember what exactly I was doing so I can tell you all about it in this post...hmmm

2. A week or so ago, I spent a few evenings driving the boat for Camp at Epworth Forest. It was all foster kids that had been abused or neglected and were now a part of the system. It's sad to see those kids and know that in most cases they have had such a difficult life. I didn't get to spend much time with them, but I did try to ask every group how many of them had been on a boat before. It amazed me that only a few had. I was so fortunate as a kid to not only have great loving parents, but ones that allowed me to experience so many different positive things. I was blessed to be able to help out and share that time with those precious kids.

3. I am doing a summer bible study right now with my mom and some friends. It is all about identifying the idols that we have in our lives. We allow ourselves to think of idols as little statues or figures....but really, an idol is anything that takes your attention from Christ. Geez, as I have gone through this I have realized that at any given moment I am usually focusing on an idol. I am trying to train my spirit to focus solely on Christ...always!

4. Fourth of July weekend is almost here! For the first time maybe ever I have some time off surrounding this Holiday! I can't wait for: Friday night - Fireworks and Wilson Family Karaoke Night! Saturday - Das Essenhaus with the entire Wilson crew and I would guess some more karaoke! Sunday - special Birthday plans for my Grandpa Wilson, who turns 80! I love him!

5. I signed up last weekend to sell Mary Kay. Lex started a few weeks ago, and has talked me into it. I am excited to see what I can do with this business. I am hoping to generate some additional income to start really attacking the debt that I have. If you are interested in looking at a book or throwing a fun make-over party, let me know!

6. So a month or so ago, Yarger and I went out to eat after Book Club. She ordered some dessert and it had a cherry on top. Now if you know me, you understand that I do not like chocolate...she offered me some and I was not interested, except the dessert happened to have a cherry on top (I go love cherries!)! AND SHE LET ME HAVE IT! And the best part? The story doesn't end there, a week or so later I went out to my car after work and there was a whole jar of cherries on the Jeep!!!!! It was awesome!

7. So I have read two books this week that you must read! The first is called Still Alice. It is the story of a Harvard Professor diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease. It takes you through her struggles with her own mind and with the relationships that she has with her family and co-workers. A sad book, but a must read!
The other was recommended to me by my cousin, Jen and it's titled Covenant Child. It's a book that portrays the love and grace that Christ has for each one of us. It's the story of twin girls who are born to a wealthy family, but raised by there maternal not-so-wealthy grandparents. It has many twists but in the end shows that Christ has made us a promise and He will never forsake that promise. Another tear-jerker but soooo good!

8. Speaking of books that I love the movie of My Sister's Keeper came out this past weekend. I went with mom and Lex on Sunday and have plans to go with some girlfriends tonight. If you are female, you should go check it out....and you should probably stop at Wally World on the way and pick up an entire box of kleenex.


My baby Ava! Haven't you missed seeing her?

10. Quote of the Week:

When things go wrong as they sometimes will.
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill.
When you're feeling low and the stress is high.
And you want to smile but you have to sigh.
When worries are getting you down a bit.
Be all means pray - and don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out.
God's hidden gift in the clouds of doubt.
You never can tell how close you are -
It may be near when it seems so far.
So Trust in Lord when you're hardest hit...
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit!

1 comment:

  1. Yah! You're alive! And I totally understand about being just... "BUSY." It happens to the best of us.
    I read My Sister's Keeper but am waiting on my youngest sister to finish the book before she, my older sister and I go see the movie together... I can't wait! The book made me bawl... so I'm sure the movie will not disappoint!

    Oh and my grandpa turns 80 this year too! :)

    Good luck w/ the Mary Kay!
