
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. The blessings of the last week I have seen: friends bring a new baby home, held that little baby a lot, seen a balanced budget in my life, got to spend time with my sister, told people how proud I am of them, and taken time to spend with people that need them some Jesus! He is so GOOD!

2. My Jeep. It was about three years ago that I bought it and I still love her! I know it's a little materialistic, ok a lot materialistic BUT I am proud!

3. Country Music...I love it!


  1. woohoo on the balanced budget! That's great Monica! I'm proud of you. Lots to be thankful for today! :)

  2. Do you have a name for your Jeep? I named my Honda... just curious :)
