
Monday, March 16, 2009


So Drew called me out on no blogs for three days. His exact words were "You haven't blogged in three days I feel like I don't even know u anymore." But, in my defense I don't have internet at home so I can't update unless I am at work. So I asked him what he wanted to know...and his response was beyond bizarre, I accepted the challenge = so I figured it would be like a blog prompt. If you don't know my brother, I hope that this picture will help you understand the kind of people we are and the relationship that we have. Oh, and Drew, this one is for you!

There once was a boy named Andrew
He loved his big sister, it's true
He sent a weird text
That I blog about next
It started with a no fun math class
and asked if 4 days would quickly pass
He will then be on spring break
Which he is eager to take
It then spoke of warmer days
And that we hope this weather stays
True fact: Chilli Cheese dogs are yummy
But can cause your bottom to feel crummy
Sandwiches made of chicken
and what style of pants he should be pickin'
He wonders if pleated slacks are ok
and I have to admit I vote "Nay"
I was never really a poet but it just came to me. I wish you could see the list of things that he sent me to blog about. I guess you are thinking, well if you told me what they were then I could see the list. I just don't believe that all of the "words or phrases" are appropriate. So use your imagination - first to imagine that this poem is the least bit entertaining and second to try and recreate his text. I love you, Drew!

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